Local region-based ACM with fractional calculus for boundary segmentation in images with intensity inhomogeneity

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Norshaliza Kamaruddin
Nor Aniza Abdullah
Rabha W. Ibrahim


This study proposes a novel local region-based active contour model (ACM) for image segmentation based on fractional calculus with consideration of the Riemann–Liouville operators. The proposed method aims to achieve accurate boundary segmentation in the presence of severe intensity inhomogeneity. The strength of fractional calculus is exploited with Gaussian Kernel namely, Fractional Gaussian Kernel (FGK) that provides an effective method of edge detection and has good noise immunity. An adaptive window mechanism with various sizes and orientations is employ to maintain and enhance image details especially at the object’s boundary and angle. The powerful combination of adaptive window and Fractional Gaussian Kernel (AFGK) provide an efficient way to utilize image information in local regions. Specifically, the fractional differential Heaviside function (FDH) extracts the image gradient and its various intensities for an accurate boundary segmentation outcome. Experiments on both synthetics and medical images demonstrate that the proposed local region-based ACM including fractional calculus realizes accurate boundary segmentation on images even under the most challenging situations, such as severe intensity inhomogeneity interface.


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How to Cite
Kamaruddin, N., Abdullah, N. A., & W. Ibrahim, R. (2016). Local region-based ACM with fractional calculus for boundary segmentation in images with intensity inhomogeneity. Malaysian Journal of Computer Science, 29(2), 124–144. https://doi.org/10.22452/mjcs.vol29no2.4